Friday 17 February 2012

Relative clauses and future tenses PRACTICE.

Please check your answers, and if you have any doubts...  just ask!! Remember you have some links to do exercises on line in previous posts...


  1. Profe, soy carlos. Por mas que intento entender el futuro con will, be going to, el futuro continuouss y el perfect, no entiendo absolutamente nada... :S Me podrias ayudar? Es que no entiendo nada... Y estoy intentando aplicar la teoria a los ejercicios y los fallo todos..

    1. Carlos, first of all, don't panic!!! second, what is exactly what you don't understand? how to use the tenses ? or when to use them? because I´m sure you know more than you say.

    2. Here you have a web where you can review the future tenses, form and use:

      Sorry I can't do anything else for you, it is very difficult to explain the whole thing through a post. Anyway you must know something, because you have been listening to me these days in class, haven't you?

      After reviwing the explanation try the Tenses Quiz for each tense, it will help you a lot!

  2. soy Noelia y estamos intentando subir el vídeo a dropbox y no nos deja ademas le esta pasando a mas gente que hacemos???
