Thursday 17 November 2011

1st Bachillerato A, here you have the key for the photocopy you have done for the exam:

38. 2. have you been   3. started   5. enjoy   6. sends   7. went   8. was   9. have you stayed   10. have stayed   11. pays   12. is   13. called   14. need   15. told   16. thought   17. do you think  
18. do I start

41. 2. decided 3. has found 4. have spoken 5. have seen 6. met 7. bought 8. have already started

42. 1. couldn't...broke...had  2. Have you visited...have been...haven't seen  3.  burnt...phoned...forgot...have already eaten   4. bought...arrived...found...have you done...have you taken...haven't been   5. has grown...saw...wanted...was   6. have never flown...felt...flew...enjoyed
7.  have lost... have you seen... did you put...put   8. have you ever met...spoke...saw

43. 2. used to   3. used to   4. used to   5. was going to   6. would

I hope this will help you with the exam, and remember... May the force be with you!!!!!

Monday 24 October 2011


Hello students!!! It's been a long time but  here we are again, facing new challenges. Next week we are going to celebrate Halloween, but ... do you really know what is is this tradition about? This presentation has been specially posted for 1st Bachillerato students. Enjoy the misterious and sometimes scary facts about Halloween.
View more presentations from Sergio Viñ

Thursday 2 June 2011

Hey 1st ESO students from IES Juan de Herrera!... What did you do last summer?

Let's learn about past simple. Here you have some nice presentations about past simple to work in the classroom.

Tuesday 5 April 2011

It's elementary, my dear fellows.

Esta mañana hemos estado en el tearo viendo una versión de 'The hound of the Baskervilles', posteriormente les he propuesto una actividad de búsqueda de información acerca de Arthur Conan Doyle y su personaje más famoso. Este video lo he elegido por ese motivo, así los estudiantes podrán profundizar en este tema. La tarea que les voy a proponer a partir de este video es la siguiente:
1- Se harán dos grupos (en esta clase solo son 11 alumnos)
2- El grupo 'The Jeckills' buscará los adjetivos que se han descrito en el video. El grupo 'The Hydes'  buscará los verbos. 
3- Cuando ya hayan visto el video entero (si veo que están cansados de ver tanto video, a lo mejor dejo el chiste para otro momento) tendrán que explicar a el otro grupo las palabras que han encontrado y los miembros del grupo opuesto intentarán dar la traducción de dichas palabras.
4- Como actividad final,  se formarán  dos nuevos grupos (por ejemplo 'The Vampires' and 'The Werewolves') con miembros mezclados de los anteriores, los alumnos tendrá que escribir una breve historia sobre Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson utilizando las palabras nuevas que han aprendido a través del video.

Monday 4 April 2011

What do you know about Sherlock Holmes? After play activity 3rdCDiv

Hello guys, did you enjoy the play? here you have some questions about Sherlock Holmes.

Who is Sherlock Holmes?
Who is Dr. Watson?
What is the name of the writer?
When were these books written?
Write three titles of Sherlock Holmes' books.
Give any extra information about the famous detective.

Use wikipedia and Sherlock Holmes's official site

Post a comment with your answers.

Ready, steady..... go!!!!

Thursday 17 March 2011

A call for help: Practice for the Exam!!!!

Guys from 1st Bachillerato A, here you have some passive and get/have something done on-line exercises for the exam.


have/get something done

I'm sure this is going to be a great help!

Sunday 13 March 2011

Chicken Nuggets Experiment

Hello again!

Let me ask you a question, do you like Chicken Nuggets? most people do. Why not? it's chicken after all...
but I'm afraid that in most cases Chicken Nuggets are what is called processed food, probably you already know about it and I guess you know too that processed food is not the best for our diet.

In this video you are going to watch an extract of a TV Show called Food Revolution in which the British Chef Jamie Oliver tries to change the diet in some Schools of West Virginia (EEUU)

After watching the video, test yourselves!

Now, tell me. Are you going to keep eating chicken nuggets? Write your opinion but be honest!
Did you enjoy the video? Any thought, idea or opinion about the issue will be welcome.

Panic at the High School II

1- If you liked the song you can listen to it again, but this time try to fill the gaps.


 Glee – Thriller / Heads Will Roll Lyric
        Off with your head
  Dance dance dance ’til you’re dead
        Off Off Off with your head
   Dance dance dance ’til you’re dead
         Off Off Off with your head
It’s close to .................  and something evil’s lurking in the dark
Under the moonlight, you see a sight that almost stops your heart
You try to scream but ................. takes the sound before you make it
You start to freeze as horror looks you right between the eyes
You’re ....................
‘Cause this is thriller, thriller night
And no one’s gonna save you from the beast about strike
You know it’s thriller, thriller night
You’re fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller ..................
Off with your head
Dance dance dance ’til you’re dead
Off Off Off with your head
Dance dance dance ’til you’re dead
You hear the door slam and ................... there’s nowhere left to run
You feel the cold hand and wonder if you’ll ever see the sun
You close your eyes and hope that this is just             
But all the while you hear the creature creeping up behind
You’re out of                 thriller, thriller night
There ain’t no second chance against the thing with forty eyes, girl
Thriller, thriller night
You’re fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller tonight
Off with your head
Dance dance dance ’til you’re dead
Off Off Off with your head
Dance dance dance ’til you’re dead
                            falls across the land
The midnight hour is close at hand
Creatures crawl in search of blood
To terrorize y’alls                  
And though you fight to stay alive
Your body starts to shiver
For no mere mortal can resist
The evil of the thriller
‘Cause this is thriller, thriller night
Girl, I can thrill you more than any ghost would ever dare try
Thriller, thriller night
So let me hold you tight and share a killer, thriller, tonight
Off with your head
Dance dance dance ’til you’re dead
Off Off Off with your head
Dance dance dance ’til you’re dead
Off Off Off with your head
Glee – Thriller / Heads Will Roll Lyrics
*Link for Website & Blog

2- Now that you are familiar with the song, would you like to sing it? come on, I bet you sing in the shower... this is just for fun!

3- New words! Use the dictionary on line to improve your vocabulary.

                -lurk     -creeping out     -crawl     -dare    -shiver

4- Fancy a challenge? Try to make your own version of Thriller!

You can do it on your own but it will be more fun if you arrange a group of friends or classmates.

Think about what type of zombie you would like to perform, what type of clothes would suit and don't forget the make up!
Take into account the setting. For example, have you ever imagined a zombie getting tan? or trying to buy the newspaper? maybe you just pefer a classical zombie.
How are you going to make it? Video, pictures, drawings, ... It's up to you, be creative!
If you have any doubt about the challenge, ask me!

Let's rock it!


Panic at the High School I

Hello guys! This is the opening ativity of Rock it!

I bet many of you are going to recognize what is this video about, but for those who haven't seen Glee before I inform you that the 2nd season is being broadcasted at Neox. If you want to catch up you can follow  Glee on line at Follow Glee on-line
I hope you like it!

Cool, isn´t it?

1- One the songs sang is very famous, can you tell the title of the song?
Here is some help: Michael Jackson becomes a zombie in the videoclip.

What about the other song?
It's 'Heads will roll' which is not as well known as the other. Look for some information:

a) The name of the band  b) The name of the album  c) The year in which the album was released.
You can use the link for wikipedia in the blog.

2- The song you have listened is what is called a 'Mashup', could you explain what is that? Give examples of your favourite Mashups.

to be continued...

A step forward

This is the first post I have ever written and I´m very excited about it, though I feel little bit overwhelm too. Anyway I'm taking a step forward and I´m going to introduce the basic lines of this blog.

1- The main goal of this blog is to provide a new space for students and teachers to exchange their ideas about the classroom or any other topic of their interest, such as music, books, series or any other up-to-the minute issue. Besides, it will be used as a tool to foster the use of english out of the classroom and in some ocasions even as a way to gain some extra marks.

2- This blog is aimed to my students (ESO and Bachillerato) but also their friends could join us, even other students that are no longer my pupils. Of course any teacher will be welcome too.

3- The type of contents that are going to be available in this blog will be related to any issue that I think might be interesting to the students but basically material related to series, music, cinema, fashion, dance, literature,etc. In some cases these will be designed by me in others I will take advantages of the wonderful job many teachers are doing. The taks will foster students' creativity but also there will be room for practising all the knowledge acquired in the classroom.

This is my humble proposal so... Let's Rock it!