Sunday 13 March 2011

A step forward

This is the first post I have ever written and I´m very excited about it, though I feel little bit overwhelm too. Anyway I'm taking a step forward and I´m going to introduce the basic lines of this blog.

1- The main goal of this blog is to provide a new space for students and teachers to exchange their ideas about the classroom or any other topic of their interest, such as music, books, series or any other up-to-the minute issue. Besides, it will be used as a tool to foster the use of english out of the classroom and in some ocasions even as a way to gain some extra marks.

2- This blog is aimed to my students (ESO and Bachillerato) but also their friends could join us, even other students that are no longer my pupils. Of course any teacher will be welcome too.

3- The type of contents that are going to be available in this blog will be related to any issue that I think might be interesting to the students but basically material related to series, music, cinema, fashion, dance, literature,etc. In some cases these will be designed by me in others I will take advantages of the wonderful job many teachers are doing. The taks will foster students' creativity but also there will be room for practising all the knowledge acquired in the classroom.

This is my humble proposal so... Let's Rock it!

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